Friday, March 14, 2008

the story ends

The cattle rushed down to the river to drink some water.Big Claus put a stone in the bag and tied it tightly and Little Claus pushed it down.The sack went down to the bottom of the river.I hope that he does not drown.Little Claus took his cattle and went back home.

This was a very tricky story.

playing another trick

Big Claus came out of the church ,took the sack and went to the river.When he arrived he threw it into the river.When he turned back the saw Little Claus ridding a sea cattle.He thought again.I think Little Claus told him that when he threw the sack into the river a maiden took him out of the sack and put him on land and then told him that there is a sea cattle waiting for him.Big Claus got jealous and put him self into a sack and Little Claus pushed him.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

two other tricks

Little Claus went to ask the man to give his grandmother a glass of mead whom was sitting at the back of the cart.I think that the man spoke very loud.When he was tired he slammed the mead in her face.She fell out of the cart.Then little Claus asked the man for a bushel of money and to bury his grandmother.He agreed and gave little Claus the money.Little Claus went back home and he told big Claus that he sold this dead grandmother for a bushel of money.He went home and killed his grandmother.He was fouled twice by little Claus.He took little Claus put him into a sack and went off he said that he was going to throw him into the river.As he passed by the church he heard some songs left the sack and went into the church.Someone was passing by and he told him to take him out of the sack and took him out.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Little Claus went back.When he arrived he poured his money to the ground.Surly he told Big Claus that he sold the skin for two bushel of money.Then Big Claus killed this horses and went to town to sell it.As he passed shouting horse skin shoemakers and other poeple assembled around him and asked him how mucs was it.He responded a bushel of money they took belts and stared weeping him.Little Claus grand mother died.He put his grand mother on his bed and went to sit on a chair.Big Claus came in with a hatchet and hitted his grand mother.If she was not dead he would kill her.

Monday, March 10, 2008

incredible sites to visit

Go to thse sites to do all sorts of thigs to dolls.I like going there.


As soon as he got to a deep river he wondered what to do with the chest.He came up with an idea to throw the chest in the river.I think he wanted to trick the sexton so he said it out loud.The sexton begged him to let him out.The sexton told him that he would give him a bushel of money so they agreed.Little Claus opened the chest and the sexton came out.Although he still gave him the money.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

the agreement

I think that the horse skin will be sold to the farmer.he had an agreement with little Claus .I also think that little Claus told the farmer that the sextons was in the chest he told him that because the farmer didn't like them.I think a sexton is a very ulgy person.this agreement was based on selling the horse skin for money and the chest.At this end little Claus left the house and continue on his journey.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The famer came to the house and he was very hungury at the time.when he was in the house he saw little claus.he told him to come down.His wife put two bowls of porradige on the table and the husband saw other foods in the oven.he told his wife to put it on the table.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

This is my picture of little claus and big claus.

When it was dead little claus cried.he put the horse skin in a bag and set off for town.It took him a long time before he saw a barn.he went closer and saw lights.He knocked the door the farmers wife opened the door.Then asked her to sleep there.She said no and slamed the door in his face.Then saw a little house which the roof was shutted.then climed it and saw them having a feast.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

My Adorable Dog, Rusty

I am wonderful christina. Go to this link to read my poem. I hope you enjoy it.

Little Claus and Big Claus

There were two men in a village who had the same name,claus.One of them had four horses and the other one had one horse.Then they were named Big Claus and Little Claus.Big Claus lent Little Claus his four horses.Now Little Claus had five horses.People were passing by and Little Claus said gee-up my horses.big claus said do not say this to my horses for you have only one.He did it again.the last time he did it Big Claus took a heavy hammer and hit it on Little Claus horse and it was dead for sure.

I think little claus will fight with big claus.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

I am a literacy hero.I feel proud of my self because i created a blog.Every story i read i am going to make a new post.